It is better used in close quarters against one or maximum three enemies at once. They are your jacks of all trades, they have a bit of blunt damage in case you use them against armor, but its not great so I would not advise it. Overall they are pretty balanced, reach is generally the same as axes which they trade in comparison to the longsword for better handling and quicker strikes. This is probably the first weapon you will get and is not quest related. Remember that at all times in combat you can switch weapon to match your opponent’s armor. All weapons have different models, some are straight upgrades but others are on the same tiers and have different stats.

There are six weapon archetypes in the game, I will not count shields as they are defensive weapons, nor bows because there are guides on that. Remember that most combat in the game is optional but there are at least a couple of obligatory fights. I will share whatever I can about how to best fight off enemies. I got a good deal of experience on how to kill enemies in this thing to the point of winning a duel against a knight and then murdering around 12 brigands of that camp. Kingdom Come: Deliverance - How to Be a Knight and Murder AnyoneĪfter a good amount of hours and getting killed a bunch of times.